Tuesday 4 February 2014

"daughter of the dragon king"

I had this dream a few nights ago. This is a highly simplified version of what I dreamt. It had more complicated undercurrents of emotions and harder to explain settings and situations, but I've made my best to transcribe it into words (which hardly does it justice, but whatever).

once there was a girl who appeared from nowhere. she claimed to be the daughter of the dragon king. the boy who found her did not believe her because she looked like any other girl. she lived some time with him in his village, until one day an assasin came for her. but he did not look like an assasin so he did not believe any of it was true. he looked like a messenger and had a giant cucumber the size of a man that flopped around on the top end. the girl was scared and told the boy, and the boy hid her but half-heartedly. he still didn't believe any of it. then in his head he heard a voice and saw a vision. he was surrounded by flames in a dark place, and he saw piercing eyes aimed at him. the voice said in a tone so low he almost doubted it was a voice at all that spoke, but it said "you could not even save my daughter?" not a moment after this vision came did he see the girl encounter the assasin. and no sooner did the assasin's weapon touch her forehead, she vanished. no trace of her left. she was not even killed, she simply ceased to be. incredulous, he searched for her, but in vain. she was gone. it was only when the realization of what had happened, that it was all true and that he had lost her, did he regret and weep.

What happened to me?

Hi, anyone out there who still follows this (maybe),

I got lazy, that's what happened. Who does these things? I don't think I could be a serious blogger. I'm not even serious on facebook or twitter. I never even kept a journal seriously. Except my dream journal, but that's different because that doesn't happen in/on real time. I'll try and update more frequently(?) but I make no promises. Unless I dump this and make something else. Meh. We'll see.

Said dreamer.

Sweet dreams!