Thursday 27 June 2013

"the fall"

I had this dream a few nights ago, but I forgot about it until I read a book that mentioned a bunch of concubines and ladies in waiting throwing themselves over a cliff to their deaths rather than survive and be tortured as prisoners of an opposing army.

there was a girl who was being chased. i don't remember much of the dream. all i know is that there was this one young man who was also after her. but she got to talking to him and he pitied her. he fell asleep guarding her (to return her later to wherever she had run away from) and she tried to use that as an opportunity to escape. she got as far as the room across the hallway, which was on the second storey. he followed. this room had a window that faced outside. what used to be an awning that stretched under the window had fallen away, so that only the post holding the awning  up remained, and a stretch of the awning (corrugated plastic) remained attached to the wall and the post, like a buttress. above what remained of the awning was a clothesline. she was looking outside the window, judging what her chances were of climbing onto the buttress-awning and going across the clothesline. but  before she could, she turned around to see the young man approaching her. he was saying something like, please, just come with me, if you turn yourself willingly...(you might be let off with a lighter punishment), but as she turned around, she backed into the wall, out of the window, and fell. she fell head first onto the cobble stone pavement below. splat. men in white suits rushed to where she landed, pool of blood where her head was, torso and legs as perfect as they were when animated. he looked down, horrified, as the men in white suits looked up. he could hear footsteps in the hallway/corridor behind him, trying to find which room it was.

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